Monday, January 28, 2013

Suffering From Back Pain? Here Are 5 Tips to Prevent It

About 80% of the population of India suffers from back pains, especially office workers, according to some health experts. If you are one of them, you need to figure out these tips to keep yourself among the rest 20% people who have healthy backs.
1. Pay attention on your back. Try to keep your back straight in most of your working hours. Hunched sitting on your seat may tend to muscles on your torso weaken or stressed out. Over stressing due to muscle imbalance is the most common complaint of office workers nowadays. Over time, the workers often feel chronic neck or back pain due to slumped posture that can lead to rounded shoulders.
2. Exercise: Do regular exercise that stretches all important groups of muscles. Though we sit all the time with correct posture, our body is not designed according to the schedule of sitting in front of pc or laptop for a longer time. Muscles can be bent by working in the same posture and also they may become fully difficult to extend for other tasks. If you sit for extra hours at work, do some small but effective exercises by taking breaks.
3. Stretch: Do regular stretches at your desk. If you often forget stretching in every 30 minutes, set a timer on your pc that can remind you to take stretch regularly or buy an application that automatically pops up with a window to remember you.
4. Yoga: Yoga is especially helpful if you are a back-pain sufferer. This includes performing various poses of stretching and strengthening all major groups of muscles. This keeps all the muscles balanced in regular form to prevent back pain. It makes the tightening areas moving freely. Your spine can become compressed or contracted by sitting in your desk all day long. Yoga also provides various physical and mental benefits to the office workers.
However, some poses could be difficult to you to perform in the classes of Yoga teacher training Goa if you suffer from back pain and does limited movements. In that case, you may seek help from a regular yoga therapist who may help to do some therapeutic poses. In addition, you can also buy yoga CDs and books to learn yoga steps to treat your back pain.

5. Have a healthy diet of whole grain food items
. It would be great if you consume the food items that contain magnesium. Our body especially needs magnesium in order to release muscles. Due to the deficiency of magnesium in body, the muscles get contracted and tightened in all part of body, apart from back. Pumpkin seeds, halibut, Brazil nuts and white beans are rich sources of magnesium.
This article is not more than general information. So, please contact your doctor first when it comes to diagnose or treat serious back-pain or any related health condition. All in all, this is all about prevention of the health risks related to back pain. You can apply these tips in your office if you are physically fit. Visit to get the schedules of yoga teacher training Goa .

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